Lucy Gilmore

Humorous romances and book club fiction.

Book Club Books

Standalone Romance

Forever Home Series

Penelope Blue Series (w/a Tamara Morgan)

Foreign Language Editions


What are you working on right now?

There are several more Lucy Gilmore book club books in the works. My next release is set for spring/summer of 2026, so I don’t have too many details available yet, but I will say that it. is. a. tearjerker. (Seriously. I cried literally every day writing it. I can’t wait to share it with you!)

Will you be releasing more book-themed books?

Yes! The book I’m currently working on is a return to my bookish roots. There’s no librarian in this one, but there is a hermit of an old man and the ragtag bunch he brings together through literature. (Because of course.)

Weren’t you supposed to release a book called The Trouble with Sisters in 2025?

The Trouble with Sisters was originally set to be released in summer of 2025. However, after much discussion with my agent and publisher, we decided to push that book back until after the aforementioned tearjerker. It will still be coming, I promise, just not on the originally planned date.

Will you ever write more romances?

I don’t have any current plans to write more romance novels, but I never say never. For now, I’m happy in the women’s fiction/book club book space, but you’ll be the first to know if that changes!

Do you offer reading lists to accompany your book-themed books?

Yes, I do! Please visit my Book Club page for links, printouts, and other book club resources.

Where can I buy signed copies of your books?

I’ve partnered with Auntie’s Bookstore to provide signed books upon request. Visit their website, add my books to your cart, and leave a message that you’d like them signed and/or personalized, and I’ll happily fulfill your request.